Business Private


Total time
60 Minutes
Baking/cooking time
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
15 Minutes
Rest time
24 Hours


ca. 40 pcs.

1000 g Tre Farri
600 g butter (chilled 4°C)
350 g sugar
6 g salt
150 g egg yolk
50 g egg


MIXING Finely crumble the MIX TRE FARRI and chilled butter in the mixer using the flat beater. Add the sugar and salt. Then add the egg yolk and egg.

RESTING Leave to stabilise in the fridge at 5 °C until the next day.

SHAPING Plasticise the pastry dough and form biscuits.

BAKING Bake in a fan oven at 170°C for 15-18 mins.

Note: The recipe, times, and temperatures should be adjusted based on the techniques and equipment used.
Tre Farri
Baking mixture with lievito madre natural yeast for the creation of spelt bread with the three different varieties spelt, dicoccum and monococcum as well as wholemeal spelt flour.Only add water, yeast and salt.Dosage: 100%> with three ancient grains - spelt, monococcum and dicoccum, as well as wholemeal flour> easy processing guarantees time savings> maximum dough yield and increased water absorption> optimum fermentation stability thanks to the contained lievito madre> clean label of the finished product> fulfils the consumer's desire for ancient grains and valuable nutrients, and dietary fibres> suitable for direct dough process

15 kg