Business Private

General questions

What is Lievito Madre?
Lievito Madre is a gentle natural yeast obtained by mixing flour and water. With subsequent spontaneous fermentation, wild yeast and lactic acid bacteria develop. Compared to the classic sourdough made from rye flour, Lievito Madre is a delicate wheat natural yeast in which strong yeast activity prevails.

Who is EVA?
Persuasive, with its unique taste qualities, this is why we decided to name our Lievito Madre after the mother of all mothers, EVA.
EVA Lievito Madre is certified organic and 100% pure. It is particularly suitable for bread requiring long and natural levitation.
With its gentle drying process, we are able to dry our Lievito Madre in such a way that there is absolutely no reason to envy the fresh variety.
If you want to utilise the properties of natural yeast in its original form, with our EVA – Lievito Madre, you can rely on its active microorganisms and produce 100% natural baked goods.

What is the difference compared to conventional fresh yeast?
Lievito Madre consists mostly of various yeasts and, to a lesser extent, lactic acid bacteria. These microorganisms work naturally and, therefore, more slowly. Baked goods made with EVA require longer levitation times than those made with conventional yeast.

What are the advantages of Lievito Madre natural yeast?
Lievito Madre natural yeast produces a finished product that has a soft crumb and large honeycomb texture. It also stays fresh longer. Products with Lievito Madre are very digestible and also suitable for people who do not tolerate yeast.

Can I use Lievito Madre for all types of dough?
Yes, our EVA Lievito Madre can be used in all types of recipes.

Is is necessary to refresh Eva Lievito Madre?
No, our EVA Lievito Madre can be used directly just as it is.

What is the difference between Lievito Madre natural yeast and sourdough?
Lievito Madre natural yeast generally consists of wheat flour and has a solid consistency (flour and water in a 2:1 ratio). It is produced at higher temperatures and therefore, mainly lactic acid bacteria develop (delicate taste).
Sourdough generally consists of rye flour and has a more liquid consistency (flour and water in a 1:1 ratio). It is produced at lower temperatures and therefore, mainly acetic bacteria develop (acidic taste).