Business Private

Swedish “Kanelbullar”

Baking/cooking time
Created by potrace 1.16, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2019
25 Minutes
Rest time
3 Hours


16 pieces

For the dough
140 g ADAM - lievito madre natural yeast with dry yeast
2 pinch Vanilla sugar
100 g Sugar
1000 g Soft wheat flour no. 4 type 00
100 g Butter (soft)
6 g Cardamon (ground) or ½ seed (chopped)
700 ml Milk
For the filling
50 g Butter
10 g Cinnamon
100 g Sugar


  1. Mix all the ingredients together to make the dough. Form a ball, cover and leave to rest at room temperature for approx.3 hours. 
  2. Roll out the dough in a rectagular shape. To prepare the filling, soften the butter and mix in the cinnamon and sugar. Spread the mixture evenly over the dough. Cut the dough into two and fold the filled sides over. Cu tinto 16 strips and twist them one by one in the shape of a knot. 
  3. Lay the “Kanelbullar” on a baking tray lined with ovenproof paper. Preheat the oven (static: 180°C, fan: 160°C) and bake for approx. 20-25 minutes.
Soft wheat flour no. 4 type 00
La farina di grano tenero tipo 00 nr. 4 del Molino Merano è una farina versatile ed è nota anche come farina universale. Viene utilizzata in cucina per tutti le ricette improvvisate - una farina polivalente che si adatta ad ogni occasione, da tenere sempre in dispensa! È prodotta con chicchi di grano selezionati e di alta qualità.

1000 g
